Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hayden Speaks At Forecast Earth Summit In DC

Hayden spoke Friday Night at the Forecast Earth Summit hosted by the Weather Channel down in Washington D.C. The Heroes star had plenty to say:

On being the the next Angelina Jolie: Absolutely, I would take that. She was definitely one of my inspirations growing up and she was definitely somebody I looked up to.”

On her attempt to protect dolphins facing slaughter from local fishermen: “I grew up near the Hudson River in New York. I didn’t grow up in the water; I don’t surf. People think I surf because of the footage. I was just in a panic and happened to paddle really fast – I was hauling butt! It caused a great amount of stir. [In a town where] people like to see young girls in Hollywood get arrested, we don’t have a reason why we would [return to Japan], and we don’t know of any good that could come of it at the moment… [but] I don’t mind getting arrested.”

On the downfalls of success: “It completely ruined my personal life. I mean, you walk out the door and you’ve got ten cameras in your face. Obviously everything in my life is on display whether it be true or false – 99 percent of it false.”

On her ideal Friday night: “At home in bed with a movie and pizza and good friends. I’d probably be watching Little Britain, a BBC TV show. It is phenomenal.”

On her dating life since she turned 18: “I’m not really a chain dater, and I’m not someone who kind of gives herself easily. So, I think it’s attracting creepy old men, but I guess it’s changed a little bit. I don’t know [if I have anyone special in my life]. I have a lot of special people in my life.”

On the criticism of Jennifer Love Hewitt’s recent bikini shots: “Did you see TMZ the other day where I bent over and they took a picture of me, and there was a whole conversation on whether I had cottage cheese thighs or not? It makes me feel awful. I’m sorry, but no woman looks good under overhead lighting. It was not good lighting. I’m a teenage girl and I have the same body issues. There are parts of my body that I don’t mind, and there are parts of my body that I absolutely can’t stand. And I don’t need somebody pointing them out to me, because trust me, I know they’re there. You don’t need to tell anyone else about it. It doesn’t need to be strewn across a magazine. It’s my business. And the fact that you don’t have anything better to talk about than my thigh fat is absolutely absurd. It just goes to show you the pathetic people in this world. I give Jennifer Love Hewitt all the support in the world. She’s beautiful.”


Emma Watson At The Chanel Fashion Show

Here are some pictures of Emma Watson who recently was in attendance for the Chanel Fashion Show. Enjoy.


Daily Links

  • Countdown Special Comment: The NIE Reflects An “Unhinged, Irrational Chicken Little Of A President”. Source (Crooks And Liars)
  • Talks Day #8: Moguls Walk From Talks After Issuing An Ultimatum To Writers; Both Sides Accuse Each Other Of Lying. Source (Deadline Hollywood Daily)
  • Wake Up: A Guide to Living Your Life Consciously. Source (Zen Habits)
  • The 22 Best Writing Tips Ever. Source (Writing Forward)
  • Top Ten Fantasy Books. Source (Blue Sun Corp)

Finally, here's an interesting video about food breaking down, specifically fast food McDonalds. Particularly watch the fast-food fries, and the SPEED at which they start to break down.


Kristin Bell At The Video Game Awards 2007

Kristin Bell was in attendance for the 2007 Video Game Awards hosted by Spike, looking gorgeous. Every new picture of this girl she just gets progressively more beautiful, it's no fair... ha-ha.

Also at the event, promoting their new movie Jumper was Rachel Bilson and Hayden Christense. Additionally making appearances were Samuel Jackson, and Zachary Levi and Joshua Gomez from the NBC show Chuck.

UPDATE: More Pictures! Yay!


27 Years Later: RIP John Lennon

On this day, December 8th, 27 years ago, John Lennon was killed in New York City.

Yoko Ono, the widow of John has released a letter to commemorate the day. Please find it below:

December 8, 2007

I miss you, John. 27 years later, I still wish I could turn back the clock to the Summer of 1980. I remember everything - sharing our morning coffee, walking in the park together on a beautiful day, and seeing your hand stretched to mine - holding it, reassuring me that I shouldn't worry about anything because our life was good.

I had no idea that life was about to teach me the toughest lesson of all. I learned the intense pain of losing a loved one suddenly, without warning, and without having the time for a final hug and the chance to say, "I love you," for the last time. The pain and shock of that sudden loss is with me every moment of every day. When I touched John's side of our bed on the night of December 8th, 1980, I realized that it was still warm. That moment has haunted me for the past 27 years - and will stay with me forever.

Even harder for me is watching what was taken away from our beautiful boy, Sean.
He lives in silent anger over not having his Dad, whom he loved so much, around to share his life with. I know we are not alone. Our pain is one shared by many other families who are suffering as the victims of senseless violence. This pain has to stop.

Let's not waste the lives of those we have lost. Let's, together, make the world a place of love and joy and not a place of fear and anger. This day of John's passing has become more and more important for so many people around the world as the day to remember his message of Peace and Love and to do what each of us can to work on healing this planet we cherish.

Let's: Think Peace, Act Peace, and Spread Peace. John worked for it all his life.
He said, "there's no problem, only solutions." Remember, we are all together.
We can do it, we must. I love you!

Yoko Ono Lennon

Rest In Peace John Lennon: October 9, 1940 - December 8, 1980


Friday, December 7, 2007

Jason Bateman Fuels Rumors of Arrested Development Movie

Jason Bateman, who once starred in one of the funniest and under-estimated shows by Fox in the network's history, has recently done an interview with MTV. In said interview, he began to fuel more rumors of an Arrested Development movie, something fans of the show have been waiting for since the show was canceled.

Bateman revealed over this past weekend, he was on the phone with the show's creator Mitch Hurwitz, pushing him to puruse the option. The idea already has the backing of some of the shows actors, including the recent success Michael Cera.

As the writer's strike is stopping all writing and production on new material for television and film, Jason explains it's not necessarily a bad thing: “[During the strike] you’re allowed to write things you’re not being paid to do... I’m trying to talk [Hurwitz] into writing the ‘Arrested Development’ movie. And he could be coming around.”

Watch the video of the interview below. For now, I think I'm going to have to break out my AD DVDs this weekend and indulge in some Bluth Bananas.


Hayden Saves The Whales To Save The World

Recently, the Japanese Government Fisheries Agency issued a response to the event when Hayden Panettiere was protesting with an animals rights group in Japan against whale hunting. Hayden has just recently sent her rebuttle in the form of an open letter to Japan.

The first letter is the original, afterwards is her response:

While respecting Ms. Panettierre’s personal feelings towards dolphins and her commitment to travel to Taiji to make her protest, I hope that your viewers will be reassured by the fact that Japan is carefully managing marine living resources for the future. The government’s fisheries policies are based on scientific information and take into account the opinions of the public.


Takumi Fukuda
Fisheries Attache, Embassy of Japan
Washington, DC

Hayden's Response

Dear Mr. Fukuda,

Rest assured our viewers and the public at large is appalled by Japanese whaling and fisheries practices. Even within your own country, recent polls show that over 77% of the Japanese public is against whaling while only 11% support it.

To say that Japan is carefully managing marine living resources for the future is a joke. Recent scientific studies have shown that over 90% of the world’s large fish have been depleted by over-fishing and Japan’s own factory-fishing fleets are largely responsible for this, decimating one species after another. Just recently, Japan was found to be in violation of its quota on endangered blue fin tuna. I cannot find one example where Japan has carefully managed any marine species.

In regards to dolphins and whales, Japan’s blatant disregard for these species is unfathomable. Japan is cruelly and needlessly butchering over 20,000 dolphins and other small cetaceans every year. There is no humane way to kill a dolphin or whale and scientific research shows that dolphin and whale meat is unhealthy for human consumption. Your own Government studies show dolphin and whale meat can contain up to 10-16 times the healthful level of mercury and that elevated levels of mercury have been proven to cause birth defects, neural damage, and death. As a result, several Japanese supermarket chains have pulled dolphin and whale meat from their shelves due to the health risks. Despite this however, your fisheries agency continues to advocate for the needless killing of dolphins and whales.

In addition, your whaling fleet is now planning to kill over 1,000 whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary including endangered fin and humpback whales. There is nothing scientific about this slaughter. All the data being collected can be and is being collected through non-lethal means by bona-fide scientists, not bogus scientists like yours.

Recently, a representative for Japan’s fisheries agency said:

“Whales are just as important, and no more special, than any other fish,” says Japan Fisheries Agency spokesperson Hideki Moronuki, maintaining Japan’s long-held position that marine mammals should get no special treatment for being warm-blooded.

Your scientists can’t even tell the difference between a marine mammal and a fish. Do you realize how ignorant Japan looks to the rest of the world? Please be advised that we are telling all consumers to not purchase any Japanese made products until Japan stops killing dolphins and whales and we will be vigilant in this regard. We are determined to end Japan’s brutally cruel and needless slaughter of dolphins and whales and I will do everything within my power to ensure this.


Hayden Panettiere
Save the Whales Again! Campaign

Hayden will be speaking in Washington D.C. this weekend for her Save The Whales Again! Campaign, and will be announcing Golden Globe nominations in Los Angeles on Thursday.


Daily Links

  • Jack Black (who is barely recognizable these days thanks to modern day inventions such as bleach and razors) was apparently not thrilled about the gratuitous use of his ass in his new film, Margot At The Wedding. Source (Webster's Is My Bitch)
  • A teenage suspect who secretly recorded his interrogation on an MP3 player has landed a veteran detective in the middle of perjury charges, authorities said Thursday. Unaware of the recording, Detective Christopher Perino testified in April that the suspect "wasn't questioned" about a shooting in the Bronx, a criminal complaint said. But then the defense confronted the detective with a transcript it said proved he had spent more than an hour unsuccessfully trying to persuade Erik Crespo to confess - at times with vulgar tactics. Source (My Way)
  • Congress Creates Copyright Cops. Source (Slashdot)
  • A Citi Investment Research analyst warned Wednesday that Netflix Inc. could be hurt by a recommended surcharge on online media rental services, whose return mailers often require manual processing. Source (CNN Money)
  • With few clear signs that the five-week writers strike will end soon, the WGA faces the daunting prospect that the majors will lose patience with the slow pace of negotiations and make a take-it-or-leave-it offer as early as next week. Source (Variety)
  • Sen. Whitehouse Reveals Secret DoJ Legal Memos: Bush Determines What Is Constitutional. Source (Think Progress)
  • An Icelandic teen, MSNBC reports, figured out President Bush’s private phone number, and called it recently, leaving a message saying he was the president of Iceland and wanted him to call him back. Source (Big Head DC)
  • Simon Pegg is an Englishman in New York for his next comic adventure, How to Lose Friends and Alienate People. Source (The Sun)

Finally, here's an old video, but it's a damn funny one. It's called "My New Haircut". The language in it is NSFW but 100% hilarious.


New Slusho Commercial for Cloverfield

So this new "commercial" has been released for Slusho. Slusho, of course, is the mystery slushie cup that made a special appearance in Heroes, as a hidden advertisement for the upcoming JJ Abrams movie Cloverfield.

This new commercial is a bit... strange. It follows suit with most of the Japanese commercials I've seen on the internet. But it's just, so odd, and gives absolutely nothing away for the movie. At least not at first glance.

This movie's advertising is going on such wierd tangents, its hard to speculate if it's going to be good, or just some random piece of garbage. Only time will tell I suppose.


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Speed Racer Trailer Clips By E.T.

After posting the stills to the Speed Racer movie earlier, here are clips of the actual trailer covered by Entertainment Tonight.

Speed Racer comes out May 9th, 2008.


Daily Links

  • Stem cell research took another major step forward Thursday when scientists announced they had cured sickle cell anemia in mice using stem cells derived from adult skin. Source (Yahoo News)
  • There are many useful uses for beer besides drinking it and having fun. Source (GoMestic)
  • For years scientists have wrestled with a puzzling fact: The universe appears to be remarkably suited for life. Its physical properties are finely tuned to permit our existence. Source (
  • The CIA destroyed videotapes in 2005 showing the use of harsh interrogation methods on two terrorism suspects because the agency feared the tapes could be leaked to the public and reveal the identities of the questioners, the CIA director told employees today. Source (Washington Post)
  • Thinking of switching to a Mac? Here's why you might. Source (USA Today)
  • Father posts Guitar Hero 3 on eBay after finding his son getting high on the porch. Auctioning ex-christmas present off, posts story in description. Source (eBay)

Finally, here's the new trailer for the 2nd Chronicals of Narnia movie entitled "Prince Caspian"


New Grand Theft Auto 4 Trailer "Move Up, Ladies"

Here's a new video trailer released for Grand Theft Auto 4. The trailer is called "Move Up, Ladies" and is pretty damn sweet. It looks awesome, should be a must buy when it's released. Enjoy.


Emma Watson in InStyle UK

Emma Watson, Hermonie Granger in the Harry Potter series, recently did a spread for the magazine InStyle UK.

In the interview, she talks about being famous, choosing outfits for the red carpet, and her social life, mainly revolving around her 18th birthday party.

Check out the rest of the pictures.


Speed Racer Stills

Stills were recently released for the new Wachoswki Brothers (Matrix, V For Vendetta) movie, Speed Racer. This remake of the old cartoon/anime has been long awaited by some.

Joe Silver, producer for the film said "The effects are beyond belief. We call it car-fu, because it's like kung-fu with cars."

Cast in the movie are Emile Hirsch as Speed Racer, Christina Ricci as Trixie (Speed’s girlfriend), John Goodman as Pops Racer, Susan Sarandon as Mom Racer, Matthew Fox as Racer X (Speed’s rival) and Korean pop star Rain as rookie racer Taejo Togokhan.

Speed Racer is due out in theaters May 9th, 2008.


Daily Hayden

Here are some random pictures throughout today that were posted of Hayden. Enjoy!