Thursday, November 29, 2007

MTV Moves To Make South Park Episodes Available Online For Free

In a recent move, MTV has decided to make all episodes of the Comedy Central hit show South Park, available for free online on their website. The move is being considered as Viacom, the parent company to both networks, is trying to pursue a new strategy of reaching a more global umbrella of consumers.

Comedy Central recently signed a renewal contract with Matt Stone and Trey Parker to extend South Park's life to season 15, as the series just finished its 11th season this month. Another contract was recently met in August between Stone and Parker and the network to distribute South Park content on mobile networks as well. This move seems to be just another addition to the shift in exploiting online content.

Viacom's decision comes on the heels of another similar deal with The Daily Show, providing old episodes in a big archive online. MTV has also hinted of following suit with other shows, but have fallen short of providing a list of programs which might become available in the near-future.

In lieu of South Park being widely available online via illegal outlets, this does not seem to have phased the shows creators or the networks as they seem to still be making a lot of money on their online content. This new model will show that the entertainment business does not need to fear the internet as the trend seems to have been followed in the past years. As long as the pricing isn't ridiculous, the market will always be plentiful in opportunities to exploit material in an attempt to sell the product your looking for without suffocating the supply.

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