Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hayden Speaks At Forecast Earth Summit In DC

Hayden spoke Friday Night at the Forecast Earth Summit hosted by the Weather Channel down in Washington D.C. The Heroes star had plenty to say:

On being the the next Angelina Jolie: Absolutely, I would take that. She was definitely one of my inspirations growing up and she was definitely somebody I looked up to.”

On her attempt to protect dolphins facing slaughter from local fishermen: “I grew up near the Hudson River in New York. I didn’t grow up in the water; I don’t surf. People think I surf because of the footage. I was just in a panic and happened to paddle really fast – I was hauling butt! It caused a great amount of stir. [In a town where] people like to see young girls in Hollywood get arrested, we don’t have a reason why we would [return to Japan], and we don’t know of any good that could come of it at the moment… [but] I don’t mind getting arrested.”

On the downfalls of success: “It completely ruined my personal life. I mean, you walk out the door and you’ve got ten cameras in your face. Obviously everything in my life is on display whether it be true or false – 99 percent of it false.”

On her ideal Friday night: “At home in bed with a movie and pizza and good friends. I’d probably be watching Little Britain, a BBC TV show. It is phenomenal.”

On her dating life since she turned 18: “I’m not really a chain dater, and I’m not someone who kind of gives herself easily. So, I think it’s attracting creepy old men, but I guess it’s changed a little bit. I don’t know [if I have anyone special in my life]. I have a lot of special people in my life.”

On the criticism of Jennifer Love Hewitt’s recent bikini shots: “Did you see TMZ the other day where I bent over and they took a picture of me, and there was a whole conversation on whether I had cottage cheese thighs or not? It makes me feel awful. I’m sorry, but no woman looks good under overhead lighting. It was not good lighting. I’m a teenage girl and I have the same body issues. There are parts of my body that I don’t mind, and there are parts of my body that I absolutely can’t stand. And I don’t need somebody pointing them out to me, because trust me, I know they’re there. You don’t need to tell anyone else about it. It doesn’t need to be strewn across a magazine. It’s my business. And the fact that you don’t have anything better to talk about than my thigh fat is absolutely absurd. It just goes to show you the pathetic people in this world. I give Jennifer Love Hewitt all the support in the world. She’s beautiful.”

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