Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Daily Links

  • The U.S. Military is demanding that thousands of wounded service personnel give back signing bonuses because they are unable to serve out their commitments. (Because of injuries sustained fighting overseas). Source (KDKA)
  • Gizmodo has another great Black Friday list if you're looking to score some normally-expensive electronics the day after Thanksgiving. Happy shopping. Source (Gizmodo)
  • An Iraqi reporter is facing terror charges for helping insurgents in Iraq, though the US has not provided any kind of relevant or substantial evidence. Source (BBC World News)
  • Scientists have made ordinary human skin cells take on the chameleon-like powers of embryonic stem cells, a startling breakthrough that might someday deliver the medical payoffs of embryo cloning without the controversy. Source (CBS)
  • Sam Adams makes a limited produced beverage tip-toeing on the line of liquor and beer, and is apparently incredibly tasty. I'd like to get my hands on a bottle of this stuff. Source (Forbes)
  • Follow up to my previous article on the alleged Harry Potter book being published by an another author aside from Rowling. WARNING - Article contains spoilers for those who have not read all 7 of Rowling's books. Source (Leaky Cauldron)
  • Scott McClellan: "I had unknowingly passed along false information. And five of the highest ranking officials in the administration were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, the vice President, the President's chief of staff, and the president himself." Source (Editor and Publisher)
  • Mozilla announced the official release of Firefox 3 beta 1 early this morning. The first Firefox 3 beta, which is available for download from Mozilla's servers, offers some hot new features for users and web developers. Source (Ars Technica)
  • Bush preparing to high-tail it out of the country so he can't be prosecuted for war-crimes, buys nearly 100,000 acres in Paraguay for a new ranch. Source (Scoop)
  • Red Hot Chilli Peppers suing Showtime and creators of the show Californication for copyright infringement on their hit song. Source (FMQB)
  • VoteWatch is a widget for OS X Dashboard (10.3 and later), showing recent votes in the United States Senate and House of Representatives. Enter your ZIP code to see how your senators and representative voted! Source (John Haney)
  • Craig Venter, the scientist who unsuccessfully attempted to map the human genome for profit, has applied for the first ever patent on a human-made life form. Venter has submitted his application at more than 100 national patent offices. Source (NewsTarget)
  • Relating to the upcoming live-action version of Dragon Ball Z: Two major bits of Dragon Ball Z casting news for you: The roles of Goku and Piccolo have been cast. Source (IGN)

Finally, here's a quick video from a new episode of Family Guy. Peter as a House Cleaning person at a motel

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