Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Don't Give Up On Vista Web Ad

The Mac vs. PC commercials are finally starting to be funny. Up until now they've been mediocre at best, I've never really cared for the commercials, I thought they were 2nd-rate writing, but what do you really need for a short commercial.

However, the tides have finally changed. Apple is starting to kick it up a notch on the anti-Vista rhetoric and it's becoming increasingly humorous. Whether it be because Apple hired some witty writers or Microsoft's failure is just that massive that the world is laughing at their efforts to recover from failure that was the release of Vista.

My roommate and I saw a commercial during primetime the other night, where PC was arguing against people switching back to XP, as blatently paid to do so by his company, and then admits that he himself switched back to XP 2 weeks ago. It had us both on the floor.

Good job Apple.

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