Monday, November 19, 2007

Strange Wilderness - New Happy Madison Movie

The guys at Happy Madison Productions are at it again, with their next film installation entitled "Strange Wilderness". It looks like from the trailers that Sandler picked his favorite re-occurring cast to once again reprieve their spots in his ridiculous plot-lines. This time, a film crew who tapes nature shows, very poorly, are set with an ultimatum at their jobs for their shoddy performance. This drives them to find the elusive Big Foot and most likely, salvage their jobs. The trailer looks pretty hokey, but then again, so did the trailer for Grandma's Boy. I'm sure this will be one of those movies I'll refuse to see because it just looks too stupid, but once viewed, it will become a favorite. Either way, decide for yourself if this is going to be another flop like Little Nicky, or another piece of comedy gold in the footsteps of Grandma's Boy. We can only hope for the latter.

Trailer available at Yahoo. The movie is due out Feb. 1, 2008.

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