Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Honking Truth Part 2 - Response to the Writer's Strike

You may remember my post about the movie studio's response to the writer's strike guild by the WGA not too long ago. Well, apparently they've released a new video, with the same message: If you support the writers, you support destroying the earth, killing people, and other crimes against humanity.... Seriously, the next video they're going to say the writers are responsible for 9/11, and that they're part of Al Qeada and supports financially the political crisis in Pakistan. Come on, these people are friggin ridiculous.

They have a new blog they added on blogger to spread this ridiculous propaganda, I advise the few readers I have to get on there and flame the hell out of them. Show that you support for your writers, and express how absolutely retarded these tards are being.

As much as I hate giving these guys publicity... http://agreenerplanet.blogspot.com

Thanks to the Anonymous commenter for advising that a new video had popped up on YouTube.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This guy has me fuming. He's released two versions of the same film, one's longer than the other and more biased - he thinks everyone should give their money to help power villages in south america or something, what about living?! We're all savages for needing to drive cars! Stupid eco terrorists.



I really want to flame this guy but I am sure of what to say to him, he seems to be thick.